I am.

Who am I? We tend to answer that with labels. How many labels can we use to describe us? Do these labels support us or require us to stay within the confines of that meaning, holding on to a story, a definition of self, based on external stimuli? Some of the labels that defined me were Montessori child, Scholar athlete, Dean’s List student, Soccer Captain, Left Wing ice hockey player, Division 1 college recruit, Sorority girl, College graduate, Law school graduate, Attorney, Wife, Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Entrepreneur, Montessori School owner, 600 hour trained Yogi, Reiki Master (levels 1, 2, and 3). External validation by these labels did not fill the deep desire within me to feel loved, to feel worthy, to feel good enough. It took me unwinding and dissolving all these labels to discover my true self.


The Journey

Wholeness. Completion.

We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes.
— John F. Kennedy

I’ve been on a journey of the Major Arcana. A journey home to self. A winding path to the Divine. It’s no simple quest. It’s an intense adventure. A wild ride. One where you discover who you really are. I learned that I am the darkness and the light. The Moon and the Sun.  The joy and the sadness that lives within everyone. I am the Fool and the Priestess, the Hermit and Lover. I have watched the Tower fall, and learned to surrender my grasp of control. I allowed Death to take me, so I could be reborn anew. The Star guided me home to the World. The World is the last stop on the journey of the Major Arcana. It represents completion. In this lifetime, I came to complete and heal cycles of behavior through generations in my family bloodline. It’s no easy feat and not for the faint of heart, but it’s worth every moment to discover inner peace.

Do you crave this level of healing and peace? Are you breaking free from generational cycles or patterns of behavior? Are you unfulfilled by your external labels of success? Are you ready to find and reveal your truest self? Would you like support along the way? I would be honored to guide you.

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